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Introducing Korea's first KOLAS certified insulated airtight hanger doors for factories

혁신기업 혁신리더 2024. 9. 7. 16:14

SYENG / CEO Woojun Lee


Introducing Korea's first KOLAS certified insulated airtight hanger doors for factories


Recent environmental concerns and soaring energy prices have spurred industry efforts to increase energy efficiency by making buildings more airtight and insulated. The government is also revising laws and regulations to strengthen standards for insulation and safety, and strengthening institutional and financial support by implementing building energy efficiency ratings and zero-energy building certification.


Following this trend, building materials, windows, and door products with high insulation properties and energy efficiency certification are being released. Products whose performance has been certified through rigorous public testing are effective not only in insulation, but also in fire, shock, and soundproofing.



SYENG-123 and SYENG-124

SYENG, established in 2021, is a company that produces and installs single-door, double-door, and electric insulated and airtight hanger door products. The company developed Korea's first insulated hanger door and received the patent for 'Factory door with excellent insulation and airtightness (insulated hanger door)' in 2022 and a KOLAS certification for top grade airtightness and insulation performance.


‘SYENG-123 single-door insulated hanger door’ received airtightness grade 1 and a thermal transmittance of 0.686W/K, and ‘SYENG-124 double-door insulated hanger door’ received airtightness grade 1 and a thermal transmittance of 0.665W/K.


"As building laws related to insulation have been strengthened, windows and other products have continued to improve their insulation performance, but no one has attempted a hanger door for factories, and there has been no attempt to obtain a certificate. SYENG developed the first insulated hanger door in Korea and received a patent and certification." says SYENG CEO Woojun Lee.


The insulated hanger door is made by making its own mold of aluminum or parts to block the wind and prevent the outside temperature from being transferred to the inside without heat conduction, and is about 50~60% more expensive than existing products.

"The insulated hanger door is made entirely of angular materials. It takes a lot of materials and weighs a little bit, but it is resistant to wind pressure and conducts heat, so it is highly efficient in insulation. Thanks to this, we were certified as Venture Enterprise in December."


Strengthened regulations on insulation standards include the use of energy efficiency certified products


According to regulations with strengthened insulation standards, products certified for energy efficiency must be used and construction must be reflected in the drawings from the design stage.


“Whether it is windows or walls, construction must follow insulation regulations. Therefore, it is correct in building law to install an insulated hanger door.”

Currently, SYENG is producing products under a contract to supply large quantities of insulated hanger doors to the Knowledge Industry Center construction sites.


SYENG also offers 100% customization as well as installation and maintenance services.


“If we receive fire protection certification, the areas where our products can be applied are expected to expand significantly. Our products will be used in buildings, factories, and food-related facilities that have hanger doors or sliding doors. We will develop products that increase customer value through constant challenge and continuous research and development.”